Sunday, September 15, 2019

A Well Deserved Celebration

These two companions traveled down from Idaho to welcome Elder Butters home. They served alongside him and blessed each other and so many people in Ghana. Edison was so thrilled to see them at church.

Family, friends, companions, ward many people in our home today to celebrate Edison and his return.

We love this family and we love Alec too!

Don and Tag West joined us from Wyoming (they are cousins to Grandma Reynolds) and it was the first time that Edison got to meet Kate, Jake's wife.

A table of very, very good people.

Edison fell right back into place with his friends from high school.  A great cap-off to two years of blood, sweat and tears (quite literally).  Onward and upward, no doubt.  But, God knew what He was doing when He sent Edison out to watch miracles, create miracles, eat fufu and find out just how hard he is capable of working.

Edison's Homecoming

Edison brought special Ghana ties for everyone to wear to church.  All the boys posed together.

Aaidan needed to get in on the action......a fabulously fantastic day in the Butters' home.

These six siblings have been out and about and not together since October 26, 2016....and now, almost three years later.....they have reunited.  Pretty great day for this mom.

Power Rangers Reunited!

Benjamin had to wait three days because of school before he could reunite with Edison.  They have not seen each other since October 2016....that's a long time for two brothers-in-the-cause to be separated.

This moment was everything!!!  Absolutely everything!!!

So happy to see them back together again.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Finding Grandma and Grandpa

Apollo looks good on him.  We met up with Grandma and Grandpa Butters for lunch so they could greet their newly returned missionary grandson.

He Needs New Shoes

Best indicator of time well spent and a mission well served!  There are no words to express how grateful I am for these shoes and the stories they could tell.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Finding Big Brother

Harrison couldn't make it to the airport because of we took Edison to Harrison and their reunion was difficult to catch on camera but this turned out to be a great shot of two happy brothers.

He Has Returned!

And after all of that.....he returns.....having accomplished the impossible, having lived through crazy hard times, having loved some who were hard to love, having been loved by many and disliked by some.....he has come home!  Oh, how I love this man.

A darling sister holding a darling nephew who doesn't remember Edison but will soon come to love and adore him just the same.

So glad to have the family together again.  His bags were first off the belt and he could not wait to get out of the airport.  He is not one for crowds or making big deals out of things and so we left almost as quickly as we had arrived.

But, just one more photo to make sure this is really happening!  He's home!  I wouldn't take back a single minute and I am so proud of what he conquered but I think that he is ready for a hamburger!